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Si Robertson Booking Fee

The Alexandria Town Talk (out of Nashville) wrote a piece about Phil and Miss Kay’s speaking engagement last night in Lipscomb.

One thing of note I found interesting in the article is a mention of Si Robertson’s booking fee. Celebrities and athletes are always compensated for speaking engagements. I know Tim Tebow charges around $50,000 per event (at least he was a few years ago during the height of his popularity). Putnam County (in Tennessee) got a peek at the prices when they tried to book Si Robertson for August’s county fair. The asking price was $29,000, then rose to $40,000, media there reported, but Si still didn’t accept.

As Duck Dynasty’s following grows and grows, members of the family will start charging more and more for speaking engagements.

1 thought on “Si Robertson Booking Fee”

  1. My little brother in law absolutely adores Si and Sadie. On New Year’s Eve a firework bomb blew up in his hand and they thought they were going to have to amputate his hand but after 7 hours of surgery they manged to save all but one finger, we hope, 2 they are still worried about. He was sopossed to be a starting pitcher for his high school team but it was his right, pitching hand that had the accident, he is very very upset and it would literally mean the absolute world to him if Si or Sadie would show up to visit him in ICU… He will prob be there for about 10 days and he will have many many many surgeries on his wrist and hand…

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