Godwin, along with Justin Martin (Martin), is one of only two regular cast members of Duck Dynasty who is not part of the Robertson family. His official title at Duck Commander is Shipping Manager, but he also builds duck calls and manages supplies. He has worked at Duck Commander since 2002.
John Godwin, or as his fellow employees call him, Godwin, was born on September 6, 1962 in Louisiana. Godwin met Phil Robertson when Godwin was just a boy. His daddy took him to a duck calling contest. Godwin thought he was just there to watch, but his daddy told him that he had entered him into the contest. He told his daddy that he couldn’t do that, but his daddy persuaded him to go around back and practice calling.

When Godwin came back from his practice, his daddy asked him if he was going to use the Duck Commander call that he was given for his birthday that year. Godwin told his dad, “Heck no, that thing sounds like crap.” In front of him, a bearded man turned around and said “My name is Phil Robertson, I make those things”. Apparently Phil wasn’t too offended by Godwin’s comment, because he helped tune the duck call, and Godwin ended up placing third in the contest.
While in college at Louisiana Tech, Godwin began dating a girl, but soon turned his attention to that girl’s roommate, Paula Archer. They fell in love and married in 1989. John and Paula have one daughter, Johanna or Joey, who is currently attending Louisiana Tech.
Godwin tells of how he started running with the wrong crowd and started drinking a little too much. Paula tried to convince John that he needed to start going to church again. He wanted nothing of it, but eventually caved when he realized he could get his wife off his back and get a bonus if he attended the church where Phil Robertson was an elder. He figured he would befriend Phil and would soon have a new duck call.
Prior to his job at Duck Commander , Godwin worked a printing press for 21 years at the International Paper Mill. When times got tough, he decided to use his connection with Phil to get a part-time job at Duck Commander. He worked part-time for two years and convinced Phil and the others that he had a good work ethic and knew about duck calls and blinds. They offered him a job and he quit the paper mill to work full-time at Duck Commander.
During hunting season, Godwin is the unofficial equipment manager and decoy technician. He strategically places the decoys, and cleans and repairs the equipment after a hunt.
Since the Duck Dynasty show began, Godwin says he has been keeping busy building duck calls and spends most of his free time running around promoting the show and products, or sharing his Christian testimony.
About his working at Duck Commander and with the Robertsons, Godwin says, “Working for Duck Commander has been a blessing. I am one of few full-time employees outside the family. I will definitely say that the Robertsons are very giving and passionate people, and I have become family through Christ.”
- Born September 6, 1962
- Family: Wife Paula, daughter Johanna (Joey).
- Nickname: The Walrus
- Devout Christian who attends the White’s Ferry Road Church of Christ, where Phil and Alan Robertson are church elders
- Likes “ham sammiches” and just about any other kind of food
- Afraid of lizards
- Worked for 21 years at Riverwood International Paper Mill
- “My hands smell like taco meat.”
- “I like me some chili dawgs.'”
- “Chili dogs baby!”
- “This is funner than chuckin rocks at a sign.”
- “I wished I had some wienies or marshmallows or somethin.”
- “Give me my sammich.”
- “Si, you just ate poop.”
- “Phil quoted a Bible verse and the whole world got worked up.”
- “What do we want? Ham sammich!”
- “Chaw!” – Godwin’s sound for a whip
- “I’m hunting for a living and fishing for a hobby.”
Funniest scenes:
Duck Dynasty: Best of Godwin | Top Moments | Duck Dynasty
Duck Dynasty: Before the Dynasty: Godwin’s Beard (Season 6, Episode 6)|Duck Dynasty
Godwin and his wife Paula:

I look just like Godwin I actually had people ask for my autograph.
I’m so happy for you and that god took your hand and lead you to where your at today I known that you are blessed
My family and I love everyone on the show, and just plain adore Godwin. He is sweet, funny, silly, loving, hungry, and AWESOME!! When we saw the episode about Baby Jules adoption and Godwin and Paula shared their story about their daughter Johanna, we learned it in fact IS possible to love Godwin even more. Truly appreciate he and his sweet wife’s willingness to share their testimony with the world. I am not able to have children, but God saw fit to bless me with twin stepson’s (almost 12) whom I couldn’t love more. When they are off to college their Daddy and I hope to adopt, or foster. All children deserve a loving home! Godwin, keep on being the coolest man in the Bayou! If y’all ever come to middle Tennessee, come see us at Pond Church of Christ in Dickson, TN!!
You are the best
Praise Jesus. I really think you are a very funny man. Thanks for the laughs
I’ve been watching Duck Dynasty reruns recently and have enjoyed every episode. My son and I watched them when they first came out. It was a bad time in my life my mother passed away and my wife filed for a divorce Both of my children stayed with there mother, very seldom did they visit me. My son stop by one night and I was watching duck dynasty we both enjoyed watching Phil and the crew. It brought me and my son back together, eventually my daughter came too. I thank the crew and especially the family of Phil Robertson. I thank the Robinsons for showing how a families ups and downs can be worked out and over comed. God Bless
I’ve been watching Duck Dynasty reruns recently and have enjoyed every episode. My son and I watched them when they first came out. It was a bad time in my life my mother passed away and my wife filed for a divorce Both of my children stayed with there mother, very seldom did they visit me. My son stop by one night and I was watching duck dynasty we both enjoyed watching Phil and the crew. It brought me and my son back together, eventually my daughter came too. I thank the crew and especially the family of Phil Robertson. I thank the Robinsons for showing how a families ups and downs can be worked out and over come. God Bless
How can you not love old Godwin !! He is so funny !! Just love them all !! Thank God formed ” Duck Dynasty” !!
Love all the duck dynasty family !! Its so good to have a family like the robertsons/That love God and want to help bring God back in our country !! At least somebodys got to do it to help this new generation get back on track !! Teach them good morals/respect/love/ !!! We all love Godwin /And martin too !!! Love to meet them /And have dinner w/them !! Eat Miss Kayes homemade biscuits/and Jams !! They are the kind of family that you can really get use too !!♥
Mr. Godwin, I am 70 years old and I truly enjoy You on Duck Dynasty. You are the most comical person I have ever watched. I truly admire and respect you for who you are. I would truly enjoy meeting you some day.May God Bless You and Your Dear Family.
I am truly saddened that Duck Dynasty is in its final season! Love everyone on the show. My Dad got me into the show. Have to say Si is a riot & will be missed! Love you guys muchly & wish you the best! ????????????
I would like some stickers and soms baits
Do you have Sammich!”
Your testimony is a blessing to us alll.
You can tell John that you and the Robertson’s are pretty down to earth people. I enjoy watching the show and will continue to enjoy the reruns. I wish you all the best. You ever want to go fishing in the Great Lakes Look me up I would me then happy to spend the day fishing with you.